Monday, May 24, 2021

Maintaining Safe Sanctuary Records

 As part of our agreement with our Chartered Organization, Keller United Methodist Church, we maintain the strictest adherence to the BSA's Youth Protection Guidelines, but going a step further, we also ensure we are in compliance with Keller UMC's Safe Sanctuary policy.  

Part of that is to keep track of the attendance of all adults at our events. This helps us know your active status as well as helps to maintain a record for ensuring Safe Sanctuary guidelines are met.

In the past, we kept a logbook for each person to have to sign into but we've automated this for you...

If you log in to our website from a mobile device, just beneath the red title header you should see a black triangle pointing down.  Press that to bring up a list of Pages from our site.  Scroll to the bottom and choose "Safe Sanctuary".  This will take you directly to the two-question form.

Additionally, if you're doing this from a desktop or choose the "Desktop view" from the webpage, there will be a blue icon like seen above) in the right-hand margin. Clicking that icon will take you to the form.

We appreciate your effort in helping ensure our records are accurate and that we maintain strict protocol enforcement for both YPT and SS guidelines.

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