Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Food Drive at Monday's Troop Meeting

Please join us at our regularly scheduled troop meeting October 30 and support our local Keller UMC Resource Center by bringing in non-perishable food items.  The Resource Center distributes food to those in our community in need. They are in need of non-perishable foods for their food pantry. 

Also, feel free to dress up in your favorite Halloween costume should you desire.

Monday, October 9, 2023



As a reminder, there will be no Troop Meeting, Monday, October 9.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

October Troop Campout


Coin Collecting Merit Badge Class

Mr. Kazmer has been kind enough to offer a special Coin Collecting Merit Badge Opportunity October 10 from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Scout House 

Special Guest will be Gavin Kazmer’s Grandfather. He is a coin collecting aficionado that has offered to share a wealth of knowledge with our scouts.  

Please RSVP via email to