Monday, September 27, 2021

Membership Renewal for 2022

We will begin collecting dues for Annual Membership Renewal very soon however, the Longhorn Council added a caveat concerning Youth Protection Training (YPT) to all adult membership renewals that will impact the majority of Troop 1910's leadership.

If a registered adult has not completed a YPT course during the 2021 calendar year, they will need to do so prior to their membership renewal. 

In plain language - if your YPT expires in 2022, you need to take this training or your membership cannot be renewed.  

Go to to take your YPT ASAP!– ensure your log in is the same as that for; if you have to create a new log in, it automatically creates a new BSA ID for you, which is a continuous issue for tracking.

Questions? Reach out to Heather Washington, Troop 1910's new Training Coordinator at 


Troop Meeting Tonight


Friendly reminder that the in-person Troop meeting will be tonight at 7pm in the east parking lot.  

**TG and TI interviews will start to be conducted at this meeting by ASM Stephen Cook.

Patrols will start the process of electing their Patrol Leaders in the upcoming meetings (could be tonight, could be in the coming weeks).

Hats Off and a Round of Applause


Huge thanks to Tiffani Boyd for coordinating another successful Art in the Square event for the Scouts to earn money again this year – thank you Tiffani! 

Huge thanks to Shaun A., Harrison H., Steve Sprowls, Russ Brown, Michael Hunt, and Ed Attel for helping out with the Webelos/AOL event at the Keller Lions Club. Lots of AOL’s came by to visit with the Scouts and they did a great job of informing them about 1910 and handing out our infamous frisbees.

PLC Tonight


There will be a 6pm PLC Meeting tonight before the Troop Meeting. Meet in the east parking lot of Keller UMC.  

All Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders, elected positions and the SPL team should plan to attend.

Monday, September 20, 2021

This one's for you!


The clock is ticking for your YPT recertification 

**This applies to the majority of Troop 1910 leadership**


Under the current YPT structure, it is possible for an adult’s YPT certification to expire prior to the end of their annual membership term. To prevent this issue, the Longhorn Council will not complete a registration in conjunction with a unit charter renewal for 2022 if any registered adult has a YPT certificate that will expire during 2022. Therefore, if an adult has not completed a YPT course during the 2021 calendar year, they will need to do so prior to their charter renewal. 

In plain language - if your YPT expires in 2022, you need to take this training before Charter Renewal is final (October/November).


If you have any questions, please email Troop Training Coordinator 

Heather Washington –


**Upcoming trainings include**

IOLS – Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills *required for ASM's - Oct 1st-2nd (Sid Richardson)

Woodbadge Fall Course: Weekend 1- October 8th-10th

NRA Muzzleloading Instructor Course: October 15th-16th (Worth Ranch)

Climbing Instructor Training: October 22nd-24th (Sid Richardson)

USA Archery Level 1 Practical: Friday, November 5th-6th (Worth Ranch)

NRA Basic/Instructor Course for Rifle, Shotgun, RSO: Two weekends, November 6th-7th (Hurst Service Center), November 20th-21st (Worth Ranch)

University of Scouting: Saturday, November 20th


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Troop Elections -- Last Call


Troop elections nominations close at 5pm TOMORROW NIGHT.  Elections will be held at the September 20 Troop Meeting. It is very important that every Scout attend. Your elections allow you to choose your troop leaders for the next six months. Plus, we must have a quorum to conduct elections, so your attendance is critical. As a reminder, all Scouts running for election should be prepared to give a one-to-two minute speech detailing why troop members should vote for you.  Scouts are encouraged to run for more than one position to increase their chances of being elected into a leadership position.

The link for the Fall 2021 elections is live. Please have Scouts complete that HERE.
  • Scouts, be sure you have enough Scouting experience and rank to run for office.
  • To run for SPL (Senior Patrol Leader), you must have a team of four ASPLs to run.
  • Submit the form only ONE TIME. Make sure you check off whatever positions you wish to run for.
  • Nominations close at 5pm Friday, September 17.
  • Elections will take place at the Troop Meeting on September 20.
Please direct any questions to ASM Stephen Cook who is in charge of elections again. Thank you Mr. Cook.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Back To Full Field Uniforms

 A reminder to Troop members, wow that the Labor Day holiday has passed, we are back to full Field Uniforms for our weekly Troop meetings.  See you Monday looking sharp!

Committee Meeting Tonight


Don't forget the Troop Committee Meeting is TONIGHT via Zoom. Check your e-mail for the link.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Volunteers Needed


Adult volunteers are needed for the November 12-14 Troop campout which is the Highland Games.  Please reach out to WB Coordinator, ASM Eric James if you can volunteer.

Art In The Square Fundraiser


Save the date to join us September 24-26 for the ART IN THE SQUARE (AITS) fundraiser in Southlake. 

Scouts earn money working shifts with their adult partners helping clean up at the event.  

AITS is back on this year and takes place September 24-26. Scouts may sign up for one shift and can earn $50 for their Scout account.

A parent must accompany their Scout at all times. 

Last shift is reserved for third year scouts on up. 

Please read the Parent and Volunteer Information HERE
Waivers are required prior to your shift. Waiver can be found HERE
Shift Captain Info can be found HERE.

We're using to organize the shifts. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 

  1. Click this link to see our SignUp on
  2. Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. 
  3. Sign up! 
It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password.

Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually. 

Questions?  Contact Tiffani Boyd

Eagle Scout Project Volunteers Needed


For those not camping, help is needed for Mr. Ellis' Eagle Scout Project on both Saturday, September 11 and Sunday, September 12 at 540 Aviator Drive at Hicks Air Field in Fort Worth building bookshelves for the Bridgeway Preparatory Academy.

See sign up HERE.

September Campout

Our September Campout will be 9-12 at Mineral Wells State Park. The program will focus on Pioneering

Here's a great site about the Pioneering Merit Badge.

Permission forms are due but if you forgot to send yours, they're located HERE and meal planning/patrol assignments were done at a previous Troop meeting. 

Transportation: We will officially allow pre-arranged transportation on this campout, i.e. parents can pre-arrange for their Scout to be transported to and from the campout by another parent, but again, you the parent must work this out with another parent – this is not a drop-off scenario like we did pre-COVID. 

The Permission Form linked above needs to be turned in to Mr Hunt ASAP.

Grub money ($15 per scout/$20 per adult) IS DUE -- get it to your grubmaster so they can plan for you!

Fall Flower Sales

Troop 1910’s Fall Flower Fundraiser has begun!

The Troop is selling: flats of 18 in various types and colors

Price per flat: $17 depending on the type purchased (very competitive with stores)

Profit per flat: $6 per flat directly into your Scout account and $2 per flat to the Troop

Orders and money are due: Monday, September 20th 

(If you cannot attend the meeting that night, you may email the scanned order form to Kelly Morgan and make arrangements to get the payment to her.) 

A Scout is Thrifty. 
A Scout works to pay his own way… 

Sell 22 flats... pay your dues for the next year.

Sell approximately 50-60 flats… pay for summer camp.

You get the idea.

You will pick up the flats you sell and deliver them when they arrive. They are scheduled to be delivered in early October. In the past, they have coordinated our delivery on a Monday afternoon prior to our meeting.

The flowers are grown locally and have been very hardy plants.

A printable sheet showcasing all available colors is HERE

Order Form is HERE!

If you are not comfortable going through your neighborhood, you can email the picture page to your neighbors. (Neighbors are your easiest deliveries.)

Parents, advertise for your Scout(s) on your Facebook page. Almost all of their Scout fees have been paid directly from their Scout accounts primarily thanks to this fundraiser.

Some additional selling tips are:
  1. Tell the customer what you are working toward (summer camp, paying your own dues, high adventure, etc.) People love to help you reach a goal!
  2. Tell them it’s a great way to get flowers without getting dirt in their car.
  3. Encourage friends and neighbors to share your flyer. 

    Here is the Facebook message I posted if anyone wants to copy and tweak it.
    “Wyatt is selling flats of fall pansies to earn their way in Boy Scouts and pay for camps next summer. We will deliver in October, so no dirt will be in your car! The orders and money are due Monday, September 20th. Please let us know if you're local and would like some. A flat is 18 four-inch plants for $17. Feel free to share this with your friends!”

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kelly Morgan.