Wednesday, October 16, 2019

University of Scouting

Every Scout deserves a well-trained leader!

The Longhorn Council will give you the tools to equip every adult to assist in the delivery of a successful, fun, safe program to our youth. Both the Longhorn Council and our Mustang District Training Team offers a range of National BSA training courses to help make your job easier and more FUN.

If you are new to Scouting, new in a particular Scouting job, or perhaps you want to step up to offer assistance in a supporting role, position-specific training courses are offered for you to learn the basics of your new position. If you are a seasoned veteran, there are a variety of advanced training programs.

Saturday, November 16 is the University of Scouting. If you haven't registered, there is still time to pick your courses and make a day of it. If you can't attend this year, know that we hold it EVERY YEAR! Registration is $20.   (There are a few courses that have supplemental fees such as CPR, see the course guide for more info on that.)

Online registration will close at 7am Tuesday, November 12, 2019.

Walk-in registrations are usually allowed at a higher price point ($30 this year) but can actually be problematic for volunteers who are preparing materials for their registrants so the courtesy of registration is greatly appreciated by all.

Check in is from 8a-9a

Classes begin at 9a and last until 12p

Lunch is from 12p-1p at the TCC cafeteria (not included in registration. You may bring your own or buy something there)

Afternoon classes are 1p-4p

Closing ceremony

Alternatively (or additionally), please be sure to check out the online courses at From there you will be taken to a portal to create an account and password (the same one you used for Youth Protection Training -- we know you all have that, right?) At that point, you can tap into the wide array of available online training courses. Leaders, be sure you are trained for your specific position within the Unit by December 1 so that we have NO issues with recharter.

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