Saturday, August 31, 2019

Troop Elections

Troop elections will be held at the September 16 Troop Meeting. It is very important that every Scout attend. Your elections allow you to choose your troop leaders for the next six months. Plus, we must have a quorum to conduct elections, so your attendance is critical. As a reminder, all Scouts running for election should be prepared to give a one-to-two minute speech detailing why troop members should vote for you.  Scouts are encouraged to run for more than one position to increase their chances of being elected into a leadership position.

Election information may be found HERE.  Election Forms are found on Page 3 of that document and are due to ASM Stephen Cook by the September 9 Troop Meeting.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Safe Sanctuary

ALL PARENTS, LEADERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS that attend Troop meetings – please make sure you sign in to the adult roster near the front door every single time you attend a Troop function. We need this to ensure Safe Sanctuary compliance.

To become Safe Sanctuary certified, you must have six months of continuous activity with the Troop (i.e. attend at least 1 meeting a month, then maintain this activity level in the future).

The roster allows us the ability to show the church that we are complying with their Safe Sanctuary policy, which again, is for the benefit and safety of our Scouts and that is our highest priority always!

We would like to encourage all parents to become Safe Sanctuary certified right HERE
*Please note there is a $15 fee for the background check.

Safe Sanctuary certification greatly benefits our Unit on Campouts, at Troop meetings and events, as well as Merit Badge Counseling, as required by our Charter (Keller UMC).

If you have any questions, please talk to Kathy Warren in the Committee Room at an upcoming Troop meeting.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder:  Troop Meeting tonight in the FLC (Family Life Center) at 7pm

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Conservation Project

For those Scouts in need of conservation service hours, the Mustang District is hosting a conservation project at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch August 31. 


This is not a Troop event, so the parent would need to attend with their Scout.

Contact for the event: Denice Boettcher - 817-805-4266.

Additionally, the Troop will have upcoming conservation service projects on campouts and at the church in the near future, so don’t feel pressured to attend this event for the conservation hours. It’s just another opportunity for those interested.