Summer Camp sign-ups have begun. This year we will be going to Hood Scout Reservation in Hazlehurst, MS June 9-15. Check out all they have to offer HERE. There's no better way to get those much-needed merit badges or to achieve rank advancement than to attend Summer Camp. The price this year is $350 for a whole week of fun!
The YOUTH Permission Form can be found HERE.
Summer Camp information flyer for Hood Scout Reservation (with important dates and deadlines for Scouts) can be found HERE.
We need adults to attend to make summer camp successful. This is the perfect opportunity for you to help out the troop and have some fun in the process. The Adult Registration form can be found HERE.
All misc forms, including medicine forms you'll need for monthly campouts or summer camping can always be found on our Troop's Forms Page which is HERE.
Permission forms and initial payment of $150 for youth are due March 25th.
Mrs. Attel will be accepting forms and payments in the Committee Room every Monday night.
Part C of the Medical Form can be turned in with any payment. Remember that Part C requires a doctor's signature so DO NOT wait until the last minute
Important Summer Camp Dates :
March 25: Permission Forms and Deposit of $150.00 for Scouts due
April TBD: Summer Camp Merit Badge sign-up night
April 15: Second payment of $100.00 for Scouts and full payment of $150.00 for adults.
May 6: Parent and Scout Summer Camp Information Meeting
May 13: Final payment of $100.00 for Scouts (NO REFUNDS after this date)
May TBD: Final date Part C Medical forms (required for all youth and adult attending)
*May 20: Swim Test @ Longhorn Activity Center (tentative date) @6:30pm
*May 25: Makeup Swim Test @ Longhorn Activity Center (tentative date) @10:30am