Monday, May 14, 2018

Court of Honor is Tonight

Please join us tonight at 7pm in the Family Life Center for the Spring Court of Honor to celebrate the advancement, achievements and recognition of all of our amazing Scouts in Troop 1910.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Who Ya Gonna Call?!  Your Unit Commissioner, That's Who!

Unit leaders (Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Unit Committee Chairs, and Chartered Organization Reps) have a Mustang District resource they might not know about.  That is their volunteer Unit Commissioner.

Unit Commissioners are district volunteers who are available to answer questions about unit operations, help find District and Council resources and contacts, and generally assist Unit Leaders in solving various challenges they might encounter operating their units.

But most of all, the Unit Commissioner is a friend to the unit.  That means a Unit Commissioner's focus is on helping the Unit deliver a Scouting experience to the youth that the Units serve.

What are some typical things a Unit Commissioner can help with? 
-        Assist in answering questions about JTE (Journey To Excellence) metrics.
-        Finding District and Council contacts for additional information.
-        Help filling out and turning in recharter paperwork.
-        An extra set of hands for a membership recruitment event to help check applications.

Does a Unit Commissioner know everything? No, but our Unit Commissioners have the ability to quickly put you in touch with people who do know more about the information you need even if the Unit Commissioner doesn't have the answer.  And they're a great networking resource.

Who can be a Unit Commissioner?  Ideally it's a Scouting volunteer who has experience in Unit or District Operations, someone who is a good listener, and who is willing to spend a few hours a month offering service to the Unit in the name of Scouting. Committee members, past unit leaders, Assistant Scoutmasters or Assistant Cubmasters can all be Unit Commissioner candidates. 

If you have a heart of service and this sounds like something you'd like to try, give me a shout.  There is currently a need for several more Unit Commissioners in our District.

Yours in Scouting Service,
John Hearrell
Assistant District Commissioner
Mustang District

Monday, May 7, 2018

Troop Meeting Tonight

Welcome back from your caving experience Troop 1910! Reminder that there is a Troop meeting tonight. See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm. LOTS of exciting things are amping up but there's lots to be done in the interim.

There will be a Summer Camp Parent Meeting tonight. If your Scout is attending summer camp, you'll want to attend this meeting to find out what he should pack in his footlocker, what not to bring, how to square things with the Medicine Man, Banker, Postmaster, etc., and more. Final payments and Part C of the Annual Health and Medical Record are due tonight as well.

A fillable pdf of PART C of the medical form can be found HERE 

PART C of the Annual Health Form must be filled out by a doctor -- don’t forget a DUPLICATE (you must bring two copies of Part C).

If your insurance provider has changed since the first of the year, please bring a copy of the front and back of insurance card (AGAIN need DUPLICATE/TWO copies ).

Merit Badge sign up forms for summer camp will also need to be completed and turned in at tonight's meeting. THIS FORM includes rank requirements and other prerequisites for taking certain merit badge classes.

There will also be a Chisholm Trail Planning meeting at the Troop meeting tonight. We will discuss packing, what to expect, pick our preferred stations for each day of the adventure, etc. Reminder: You must turn in copy of all Medical Forms (A,B, and C – physical exam) and copy of insurance card to Bob Morgan by May 21– this is for Scouts and Scouters.